Welcome Aboard

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Adélia Delivery July 15th & 16th 2005 San Diego CA

Final preparations

The H & S Crew out of the San Diego Office did a wonderful job in commissioning Adélia. They were very patient with our frequent visits while the work was being done.

With much anticipation and excitement the delivery day finally arrived and we both couldn't wait to be able to stay in our new home.

Before boarding Adélia June 15th around 16:30 Craig Watkins our H & S salesmen gave us our new foul weather jackets with the name Adélia. Craig took Adélia out to sea to do the official delivery in International Waters. After all the proper documents were signed Adélia became officially ours.

Kip and I got to take turns at the helm to take her back to the H & S slip. We spent the night and the following morning the H & S crew made the final preparations for the welcome aboard party.

Around 11:30 we were called to come down to the dock. The welcome banner was up, the red carpet was down and the welcome aboard sign was set by the stern where we were official welcomed aboard by the H & S family.

Once inside Adélia it was like Christmas day in the salon was spread out beautiful Adélia bags, hats, reversible vest, and a whole lot more.

Paul Bryant of H & S gave us an extensive tour of Adélia's equipment and operations.

We love those H & S guys and can't recommend them enough for all your boating needs. We have come to know a lot of the salesmen from the Oxnard, Marina Del Rey and San Diego offices throughout the past years and everyone has treated us like we were their personal clients.


to all our friends at the H & S Offices for making all our boating experiences wonderful and unforgettable.

See Photo Gallery for more photos

Craig Watkins takes Adelia out to International waters for the official delivery.

Adelia is officially ours

Kip gets to bring her back to the slip

Denise gets her turn at the helm

The red carpet is ready

The welcome party begins

It's like christmas day aboard Adelia